Sunday, April 7, 2013

Center of the Universe Pocahoptas

A big IPA w/ lots to hops. More bitter and pine than I like. 3 glasses.

Lindemans Gueuze Cuvée René

0803: Nice, apple cider w/ lemon and vinegar. Good value for gueuze. 6 glasses

1304: More sour and less tart. A slight rancid metallic taste. Downgraded to 5 glasses and thought about 4 glasses.

Russian River Supplication

Brown Ale aged in used Pinot Noir barrels from local Sonoma County wineries. It is aged for about 12 months with sour cherries, brettanomyces, lactobacillus, and pediococcus added to each barrel. Flavors from the cherries, Pinot Noir and oak balance each other nicely with a little funk from the brett (URL).

Good but not great. A little like wine added to a beer. Tart and compex. 6 glasses.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Hardywood Baltic Porter with Bacon and Maple

Oh no! Hardywood missed on this one. Massive and dense but not what I want to drink. 1 glass.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bell's Special Double Cream Stout

Had a bottle at Happy Hour at Cafe Catura. The grilled shrimp tacos were boffo. The beer was not. It does not hit my sweet spot. A review from April 2008 gave the beer 2 glasses and said, "OK. A little cream, a little chocolate, and a little smokey bite but a little thin. Better @ room temp. May rate a 3." The beer is crafted well and I am moving the rating to 3.