Thursday, October 31, 2019

Carolina Bauernhaus 18 Mile Red Plum

18 Mile Red Plum is a fantastic wild ale. The label says the brewer uses a local lactobacillus and ages the beer for 6 months in wine barrels and then lets the beer sit another 3 months on local, tart, red plums. The predominate flavor is tart. I drank my last bottle on Halloween because the beer is so tart it is scary. Some plum with a little sweet peeks through the tartness but just barely. 

Rating = 6 glasses. I want to buy more. The beer may rate 7 glasses but I don't want to jump to conclusions.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Birds Fly South Parachutes

Parachutes is a saison aged in wine wine barrels and fermented with Pinot Noir juice, skins, and stems. Imagine mixing beer and wine. If you want a beer + wine cocktail then this is the beer for you. If not, ... . It is interesting but not my cup of tea.

Rating = 2 glasses

Monday, October 21, 2019

Stone Espresso Totalitarian Stout

Stone Espresso Totalitarian Stout is a wonderful Russian Imperial Stout. It is BIG, with loads of hidden alcohol and a nice dose of coffee flavor. The coffee is a perfect balance to the sweet beer and is not too much. I had a glass at Postbellum on Happy Hour. It was too cold and I had to drink it too fast to really appreciate the beer. I need another try to figure out whether the rating is 4 glasses, 5 glasses, or even 6 glasses. 

Rating = 5 glasses.

Friday, October 18, 2019

As I work my way through a 30-pack of Summertime and Goose IPA, I decided to revise my ratings a second time.

Summer Time is a decent kรถlsch (search for kolsch) that would be a decent substitute for pilsner and other light lagers, wits, and hefeweizen. The more I drink, the more I think it is too sweet and uninteresting. Downgraded from 4 glasses.

New rating = 3 glasses.

Goose IPA is a decent IPA. I liked the last can. Upgraded from 2 glasses.

New rating = 3 glasses.