Tangerine Express adds whole tangerines and pineapple to an American IPA. It is NOT a fruit bomb. It is an American IPA with added flavor. The citrus complements and smooths the hops. I liked the first one so much that I drank another. Rating = 4 glasses.
Twelfth Night is quad version of a Christmas ale. The recipe adds several spices to the wort. The result is awful. I poured almost all of 750 ml down the drain. Rating = 0
As I work my way through a 30-pack of Summertime and Goose IPA, I decided to revise my ratings. Summer Time is a decent kölsch (search for kolsch) that would be a decent substitute for pilsner and other light lagers, wits, and hefeweizen. I might buy more going forward to have something on hand that goes well with, say, pasta or salad. Upgraded from 3 glasses. New rating = 4 glasses. Goose IPA is a decent IPA. However, decent IPAs abound and the more I drink this beer the less interesting it becomes. Downgraded from 3 glasses. New rating = 2 glasses.
Bourbon County Brand Coffee Barleywine (say that fast five times) is a big barleywine with bourbon and coffee flavors. I think that it is an interesting hot mess. Lots of flavor and flavors but I think that the flavors don't form a cohesive whole. Rating = 1 glass.