Friday, July 21, 2023

Dupont Saison

Brewer's Notes: The Saison Dupont is a top fermentation beer with refermentation in the bottle. Since 1844, this beer has been brewed in our farm-brewery, during the winter time. Then this beer became a second refermentation in the barrel. During the next summer, this very thirst-quenching beer was served to the “saisoniers” which were working on the fields. Surely therefore, our Saison Dupont is considered as “the classic” among the Belgian season beers!

Added  note from BeerAdvocate
Coppery blond, the finest aromas and a strong bitterness transform this beer into a thirst-quenchener with no equal, just the way it was created. Our selection of yeasts is the perfect base for these typical aromas and ditto taste. A real refermentation in the bottle, which will continue for a long time in your cellar, result into this complex and particular aromatic beer.

Tasting Notes
The more I drink Saison Dupont, the more I like it. It is hearty without being "big". It is refreshing with a titch of funk, easy to drink, and goes great with food or by itself. Click here for previous reviews.

Rating = 6 glasses.

Dupont Avec les bons voeux

Brewer's Notes
The Bons Vœux is a blond top fermentation beer with refermentation in the bottle.

Since 1970, the brewery has been brewing a special beer to give as a new years present to their best clients. (the name of this beer “Avec les bons Vœux de la brasserie Dupont » means « With the best wishes of the brewery Dupont » ).
Because of the increasing success, they started to commercialise this “cadeau” but kept the name. Although the demands were considerable, only a small quantity was brewed, so they had to make a reservation list, even months before new year.

This Bons Vœux is coppery blond, has very fine hop aromas and tastes bitter, fruity and mild.

Our selection of yeasts, in combination with a long during riping process, on a “dry hopping” base, are creating a typical and complex aroma and taste.

A real refermentation in the bottle, which will continue for a long time in your cellar, result in a harmonious and well-balanced beer, full of unexpected and complex aromas.

Les Bons Voeux means best wishes, which is what Brasserie Dupont sends with this very special saison ale brewed for the holidays. Redolently aromatic, rich and velvety.

Rich gold color, fragrant (lemony with hints of pepper, banana and clove), as all the beers of Dupont are with a full, deep malt richness that lingers on your tongue for what seems the whole holiday season. Considered by some the finest offering from this unparalleled Brewery. “The best Belgian beer, if ever there could be such an award...a sumptuous, seductive 9.5% beer. Because of it’s intensity, I would recommend the novice graduate to this beer. However, if a saison that is starting to lean towards being a triple appeals to you, and if its in season, don’t hesitate.”

Another wonderful bottle. It tastes so good after I have not had one for a while. Easily 6.5 glasses and may merit 7.

Rating = 6.5 glasses

The beer continues to impress. It's rating has varied from 7 to 6.

Rating = 6.5 glasses.

This is the Christmas special version by Dupont. It is wonderful. Hardy without being big. A subtle touch of spice. Yummy.
6 glasses

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Mc Chouffe

BeerAdvocate rates Mc Chouffe as the 4th best Belgian Dark Ale. The beer, brewed by Brasserie d'Achouffe, is a pleasant and easy drink. The flavor merges apples, brown sugar, and titches of lemon and banana.

Brewer's Notes: Among the mythical characters living in Fairyland, some are more unusual than others. Malcolm, for example, is different because of his accent and his kilt: when it comes to beer, his favourite is Mc CHOUFFE. The delicious flavours of aniseed, liquorice and toffee tickle his taste buds. If you listen to him, he will boast of its ruby sparkle, its smooth bitterness and its strong character, worthy of his native Scotland. Although robust, Mc CHOUFFE goes down as easily as LA CHOUFFE.

ABV varies from time to time.

Rating: 4 glasses (maybe 4.5)