The reviewers @ BeerAdvocate love HefeWeizen. I do not.
Brewer's notes: Modeled after the classic wheat beers of Bavaria, Hefeweizen is cloudy and straw-colored with a meringue-like head that lingers to the bottom of the glass. Brewed with an ample volume of wheat malt and few hops, this beer features a unique yeast strain that produces harmonious notes of clove, banana, and vanilla throughout this effervescent brew. A traditional interpretation of a classic style, this idiosyncratic Bavarian beer is perfectly at home here in Texas.
Tasting notes
14 October 2023: The aroma of the beer offers great promise - nice clove and banana smells. But the taste fails to deliver on the promise. The beer is a rather bland hefe with an odd lemon flavor and a titch of zest and the head dissipates quickly. Some of the reviews in BeerAdvocate express similar reactions. I was disappointed after discovering what I thought was a whale.
Rating = 1 glass. I'll finish the six-pack I purchased.