The bottle of Double Bastard that I had last year was quite tasty - a cross between a triple IPA and a hoppy English Barleywine. Loads of sweet malt and bitter hops that created a pleasant and surprisingly easy drinking beer. It is Strong Ale, a category distinquished by high levels of alcohol and charateristics that do not fit another established category. The alcohol clocks in at 10% by volume.
Stone is known as a world class brewery. Posters at BeerAdvocate rate four of its beers in the top 100 beers on the planet. Double Bastard is currently ranked 56. The brewery is home to a restaurant and the head brewer is an advocate of pairing food and beer.
My attraction to Double Bastard Ale is slightly unusual. I think that the flavors in Arrogant Bastard, its parent, are overpowering and unpleasant. Oak Aged Arrogant Bastard Ale is nice but I have not been moved to purchase a second bottle.
A bomber is 22 oz. or 650 ml.
I have never tasted Mad Elf. It is Belgian Strong Dark Ale brewed with cherries, honey, and chocolate malt. The alcohol clocks in at 11% by volume. I plan to drink some and age some. If I like the first couple of bottles, I may buy more for aging.
Our Special Ale is also a new beer to me. It is Winter Warmer. Anchor releases it every year in November and the recipe varies from year to year. It contains spices. I hope that it tastes like Christmas.
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