Brewer: Trappistes Rochefort
Style: Quadruple
Tasting notes: (1002) A 1 mn 4 mn old bottle. Complex and quaffable. Luxuriant mouthfeel. Wonderfully balanced.
Previous review.
Top 100: 29 December 2005, 10 March 2007, and 5 March 2009.
Rating: 7 glasses.
Brewer: Port
Style: Strong Ale
Tasting notes: (1003) A bottle purchased 1 yr and 11 mn ago. Baltic Porter and muted Arrogant Bastard. Downgraded from 5 glasses. (0806) A bottle purchased 2 mn ago. A mixture of Baltic Porter and Arrogant Bastard. Lots of coffee, especially when cold, w/ a hoppy finish. Better when cold - was thinking about 6 glasses. A sipper as it warms. A charcoal bite emerges as it warms. Alcohol blast throughout. Bourbon is present but subdued.
Rating: 4 glasses.
Brewer: Thirsty Dog
Style: Imperial Stout Tasting notes: (1003) A 1 yr. 11. mn old bottle. Bittersweet chocolate w/ a hint of soy. May be better fresh. (1002) A 1 yr 10 mn old bottle. A disappointment. A tiche of soy, some sour, some bitter chocolate. Downgraded from 7 glasses. This serving would rate at most 4 glasses but I dropped the rating to 5 based on previous tastings. Click here for previous review. Top 100: 29 December 2005 and 10 March 2007. (Not 10 April 2009.) Rating: 5 glasses

Brewer: Bruery
Style: Berliner Weissbier
Tasting notes: (1001) Lemon-lime tartness and refreshment.
Rating: 3 glasses