Saturday, April 25, 2020

Ommegang Idyll Days Pilsner

Idyll Days Pilsner is a pleasant European pale lager. Delicate may be the best adjective. Here is what Ommegang says. 

"Inspired by the tradition and ambience of the pastoral world around us, Idyll Days is a beautifully rustic Belgian-style pilsner. Brewed with authentic floor-malted barley from the Czech Republic, fermented with a Belgian lager yeast, and then patiently cellared until mature. Presented in its essential, unfiltered form, Idyll Days is glorious in its simplicity."

BeerAdvocate does not have enough review to rate the beer. It classifies the beer as European Pale Lager, not a Pilsner.

Rating = 3 glasses. I wanted more hop bite.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Leffe Bruin

Leffe Bruin is a Belgian dark ale. The description on the bottle is a good summary, "The authentic Belgian Abbey ale: Enjoy this delicious malt forward ale, accentuated with subtle caramel and roasted notes from dark malts." The taste combines bits of sweetness, caramel, and clove into a pleasant table beer. A more subdued version of Trois Pistoles, which can have too much clove.

BeerAdvocate rates it as Very Good, 17th best Belgian Dark Ale, and 22,889th best overall.

Rating = 4 glasses.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Smuttynose Vunderbar Pils

Vunderbar is a nice, easy drinking pilsner. The taste is grassy with a titch of lemon. I bought a six-pack on almost a whim. I generally like Smuttynose and am looking for a replacement to Prima Pils because I am having difficulty finding Prima in stores.

BeerAdvocate rates it as Very Good, the 125th best German Pilsner, and 29,779th best overall.

Rating = 3 glasses.

Schilling Alexandr 10°

Alexandr 10° is a delightful bohemian or Czech-style pilsner. The flavor combines a little sweet and a little bready. The beer is what you might want when you want a "beer", totallly quaffable and great with food.

BeerAdvocate rating is Very Good, 11th best Bohemian Pilsner,  1,763rd overall.

Rating = 4 glasses.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Allagash Saison

Eh? Ok but nothing stands out.

BeerAdvocate: Score = Very Good, 1,006th best Belgian Saison, 16,707th best beer.

Rating = 2 glasses.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Aleworks Protocol Porter

Protocol Porter is a pleasant beer. It is easy to drink with a smokey background. Probably similar to what the porters drank back in the day. Thinness in the body represents well how porter differs from stout.

Rating: 3 glasses.

Brooklyn Black Ops

Black Ops is a bourbon-barrel-aged imperial stout. For such a big beer, abv = 11.6%, it is remarkably easy to drink and subtle. The primary flavor is the bourbon but even the bourbon is faint. The beer is interesting and difficult to describe. 

BeerAdvocate ratings: 93 (Outstanding), 2,031 overall and 122th imperial stout.

My rating: 4 glasses.