Beer: Temptation
Style: Wild Ale
Tasting notes:(3) Cellared by me for 15 months. Lemons and grapefruit and dry pale ale w/ oak. (2) Opened by mistake when looking for Fonteinen. A grapefruit cider? Great as an aperitif before Thanksgiving. When well with beginning of meal. (1) A smoother gueze? Lemony fruit, tart-sour, dry, with a backdrop of smokey oak. May rate 7/8. Emily LOVED it.
Comments: Temptation is a Blonde Ale aged in French oak chardonnay barrels with Brettanomyces. "Bret" makes the beer wild. It gives beer sharp, tart, acidic flavors.
Dates on which reviewers at Beeradvocate rated it as one of the best beers on the planet: 29 December 2005, 10 March 2007, and 28 February 2009.
Rating: Highly Recommended

Beer: Maudite
Style: Belgian Dark Ale
Tasting Notes: (5) A bottle cellared by me for over 2 years: Smoooth. Caramel malt, apple, and wheaty yeast. Aging mellows the flavor. (4) Malt, wheat, yeast, funk, and clove. (3) Apple, a tiche of pear, yeast, and a dry, spicy finish, A clove flavor emerged in the finish as the beer warmed. Paired well w/ apple and cheese plate. An easy drinker. 2) Malt, light fruits, citric spices, clove, and a touch of hops. The line is fuzzy. (1) Complex malty beginning with sour bitter bite at end. Finish reminded me of Sammy Smith Imperial Stout
Dates on which reviewers at Beeradvocate rated it as one of the best beers on the planet: 29 December 2005 (Not 10 March 2007 or 28 February 2009)
Rating: Recommended without reservation

Beer: Trois Pistoles
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Tasting notes: (5) Dark fruit and hop bite. (4) Winey (burgundy?), w/ tiche of cloves. (3) Sweet and pleasant malt when cold. Wheaty, yeasty flavor w/ a faint bite emerges as the beer warms. Best @ room temperature. (2) A bottle @ Edo Squid. Vinous, wheaty, Unibroue yeast, and a subtle bite at finish. Good w/ food, sipped, or gulped. (1) Smooth, pleasant mix of dark fruit taste with a touch of hops. Winey - a little thin and the head dissipates quickly. Good with food, alone, sipped or gulped.
Dates on which reviewers at Beeradvocate rated it as one of the best beers on the planet: 29 December 2005 (Not 10 March 2007 or 28 February 2009)
Rating: Recommended without reservation

Beer: Speedway Stout
Style: Imperial Stout
Tasting notes: A bottle aged in my cellar for 10 months. Chocolate and coffee and alcohol and cocoa (and cherry?). Complex, big, sippable and gulpable.
Dates on which reviewers at Beeradvocate rated it as one of the best beers on the planet: 29 December 2005, 10 March 2007, and 28 February 2009.
Rating: Highly recommended. Placed in top 10ish list initially and downgraded after a few days. I didn't dream about drinking this beer again.
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