Sunday, September 13, 2020

Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Barleywine Ale


BCB Barleywine is a BIG beer. The notes say that Goose Island ages it in bourbon barrels previously used to age BCB Stout. This aging imparts faint hints chocolate and coffee from the stout in addition to vanilla and bourbon from the barrels. The result is a complex explosion of flavors. It was a great complement to salted caramel chocolate cake from Shyndigz that I ate in celebration of the birth of a grandchild. I had taught that evening and ate and drank in solitude. COVID prevented visits to the hospital and my wife had gone to sleep well before I arrived to help her watch children of the new mother.

An accurate rating is difficult. I drank the beer 12 days ago and it is COMPLEX. I am going to go with 5 glasses. It might be 6 glasses. Beeradvocate rates as the 2nd highest English barleywine and 97th overall. I understand why the rating is so high. The beer wonderfully crafted and interesting. I want more. 

I am not sure that bourbon-barrel aging is a good complement for barleywine but this beer is the best version I have tasted. I want to try it again and would like to see how a little less bourbon affects the flavor.

Rating = 5 glasses.

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