Saturday, February 3, 2024

de Garde The Kriek

A weak attempt at making a wild ale taste like an Oude Kriek.

Beeradvocate: "A Spontaneous Wild Ale Aged in Oak Barrels for Two Years with Montgomery & Morello Cherries."

Label notes: A sponteneous wild ale with tart cherries aged in Oak barrels for two years.

de Garde

Tasting notes
February 3, 2024: I picked up a bottle based on the reviews on BeerAdvocate and its price - $9+ for a 375 ml bottle. I was buying three other sour beers and felt expansive. The beer is not bad but was a disappointment. It lacked punch and excitement. It had plenty of carbination. It was a cloudy pink color. The flavor was a titch bland for a wild ale and a little sweet. OK, but not what I want. 

Rating = 2 glasses. 

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