Monday, February 17, 2020

Oskar Blues Ten Fidy Barrel Aged

Ten Fidy Barrel Aged ages a great imperial stout in bourbon barrels. The result is a fantastic beer. The flavor is big and bold and the bourbon complements the stout. I think I would prefer a little less bourbon but an not sure. 

Rating = 6 glasses

The Answer These Hops Weren't Photoshopped

These Hops Weren't Photoshopped is another nice Double IPA from An Buong. It has good balance and is a bit hazy form double dry hopping.

Rating = 4 glasses.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Huyghe Delirium Noel

Delirium Noel is a Strong Dark Belgian Christmas Ale. Spices, brown sugar, molasses, and dark fruits.

Rating = 4 glasses, may be 5.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Sierra Nevada 40th Hoppy Anniversary Ale

40th Hoppy Anniversary Ale is a wonderful, balanced, easy-drinking American IPA. I ordered a glass at Savory Grain and liked it so much that I ordered another.

Rating = 5 glasses.

"Notes: Hop-forward beers weren’t popular when we started brewing in 1980. But we loved them, and we knew that if we were going to open a brewery, we’d better make something distinctive. It’s been 40 years since then, and we’re still brewing what we love. This beer showcases the bold flavors and aromas of a classic West Coast IPA: intense pine and citrus with a deep gold color and slight caramel sweetness. Here’s to following your passion, and to the next 40 years."