Brewer: Sierra Nevada
Style: American Barleywine
Tasting notes: Yummy. Muted hops. Vanilla.
Comments: It is a screamer when fresh and gets better with age.
Dates on which reviewers at Beeradvocate.com rated it as one of the top 100 beers on the planet: 29 December 2005. (Not 10 March 2007 or 30 January 2009.)
Rating: Top 10ish
Brewer: Bass
Style: English Pale Ale
Tasting notes: (2) Light, refreshing, and a tiche bland. (1) Easy drinking, light, lemon-fruity, spicy w/ touch of hops, and a slight sour twang. Would be an nice summer quencher.
Rating: Good
Brewer: Founders
Style: Imperial Stout
Tasting notes: A complex and well made beer but not my style.
Dates on which reviewers at BeerAdvocate rated the beer as one of the top 100 on the planet: 29 December 2005, 10 March 2007, and 20 December 2008.
Rating: Good
Brewer: Leffe
Style: Belgian Pale Ale
Tasting notes: (3) Blonde w/ clove. Something between a belgian pale ale, a hefe, and a wit. Doesn't hit the mark. (2) Yeasty and wheaty. (1) Balanced with many subtle flavors - a little sweet, thick mouthfeel, some orange. Easy drinking and pleasant.
Rating: Good
Brewer: Legend
Style: Brown Ale
Tasting notes: (2) 2 pints recently @ Joe's Inn. Pleasant - a tiche of roasted sweet malt followed by a touch of bite. A decent option in restaurants. (1) A glass on tap on 14th. Reminded me of a stout w/ a weak body.
Rating: Average
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