Brewer: Legend
Style: Pale Ale
Tasting notes: On draft @ Joe's Inns. A tiche sweet, w/ a funny finish. I wondered if the line was clean. Not much hop.
Rating: Poor. (This may be too harsh; but, I did not want any more.)

Brewer: Victory
Style: American Barleywine
Tasting notes: (5) 4.25 year-old bottle. Ditto. (4) 3.75 years before best before date, 1.25 or 2.25 years old. Caramel malt, some dark fruits, a sour/bitter hop bite at end. (Too) easy drinking - Old Aleish. (3) A fresh one I think. Much tamer. Some sweet malt and then some bitter hops. Hot alchohol. Needs more kick. (2) About 1.25 years old. Wonderful sweet malt up front - English barleywine style. Then a deep, bitter, slightly sour bite at end that lingers. All this with an alcohol blast. (1) A bottle dated about 9 months ago. Lots of malt and bitter hops. Finish has a sour and "hot" (alcohol?) taste. I think it will improve with age wonderfully.
Top 100: 29 December 2005. (Not 10 March 2007 or 03 April 2009.)
Rating: Recommended with qualifications