Brewer: Oud Beersel
Style: Gueuze
Tasting notes: (0905) An interesting verison of gueuze. Less tart and more sour and bitter than others. Sour rotten oranges, sugarless grapefruit, and a grapefruit sour/bitterness at finish when cold. The sour and bitter diminish as the beer warms and after the yeast is added.
Comments: The bitter flavor may be hops. My understanding is that gueuze uses aged hops to eliminate hop bitterness. However, the Oud Beersel website describes the beer as "traditional oude geuze with fruity nose and hoppy flavour."
Here is how the brewer describes the taste of the beer:
"The taste of the Oude Gueuze of Oud Beersel combines from way back a pleasant bitterness with a sour yet smooth character. The first mouthful refreshes the tongue and opens the way to the wondrous world of the spontaneous fermentation with its complex subtleties."
Rating: 3 glasses. May rate 4.
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