Brewer: Great Divide
Style: Barley Wine
Tasting notes: (1001) On draft @ Mekong. Smooth and strong. (1001) A 2+-year old bottle. Ditto as what follows. (0909) A 2-year old bottle. Sweet brown sugary malt with bitter hops. Easy to drink. Alcohol is totally hidden. A loooong, bitter finish comes after swallow. (0802) A bottle purchased 0707. Sweet malt with bitter hops poking out its head. Bitter aftertaste emerges. Too easy to drink. Alcohol is totally hidden. Downgraded to a 6. (0708) Sweet barley malt coats the tongue and mouth. A loooong, bitter finish comes after swallow. Almost quaffable but then you would miss the finish after each sip. Too smooth? The alcohol is totally hidden - watch out. Plan to share or spend 3 hours on a bottle. Would like a side-by-side with Old Crustacean. May rate 6.
Top 100: 29 December 2005, 10 March 2007, and 14 October 2009.
Rating: 6 glasses
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