Monday, January 4, 2021

Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald Porter

Brewer's Notes: Robust and complex, our porter is a bittersweet tribute to the legendary freighter's fallen crew--taken too soon when the gales of November came early.

04 Jan. 2021
The more I drink the beer the more I like it. I am upgrading the rating.

Rating = (at least) 6 glasses

11 Nov. 2020
Edmund Fitzgerald is a fantastic porter. It is complex with some nice smoke and chocolate. It packs plenty of flavor into a beer while remaining "lighter" than stout and quite quaffabe. It will be a regular in my "cellar" if it remains available. 

I now have two nice dark beers to include in my rotation for a while. Smuttynose Robust Porter reappeared in stores recently following the brewer's declaration of bankruptcy. It joins Edmund Fitzgerald as a great choice for regular consumption. Smuttynose Robust Porter is bigger. Edmund Fitzgerald is more complex 

Raters on Beeradvocate love the beer. They rated it as one of the top 100 beers back in the day.

Rating = (at least) 5 glasses.

August 2019
Edmund Fitzerald is a malt forward American porter. Sweetness leads, followed by light chocolate. Easy drinking and nice flavor.

Rating = 4, maybe 5, glasses. I need to investigate more.

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