Thursday, November 24, 2022

Hardywood Gingerbread Stout

Brewer's NotesMade with baby ginger from Casselmonte Farm and wildflower honey from Bearer Farms, Hardywood Gingerbread Stout captures the terroir of Central Virginia in a rich, creamy libation with a velvety mouthfeel and an intriguing evolution of notes from milk chocolate and vanilla, to honeycomb and cinnamon, to a snap of ginger in the finish. We hope Hardywood Gingerbread Stout contributes to your merriment this season.

Nov. 25, 2022
I shared the last bottle dated 201612 Alex last night with Thanksgiving dessert. Six years of aging makes the beer a delight. It is plenty sweet with a nice ginger kick. 

Rating: I am leaving the rating at 5.5 glasses but think aged bottles are better.
(202002) I drank a bottle dated 201612, meaning the beer has aged a little over about 5 years. Aging makes the beer yummy. Flavors are muted like a three-day old stew. Patsy picked up hints of port. Alex thought that the ginger shined through. I really liked it.

I also drank a glass on draft recently. It was a disappointment. Tasted off. This is my second bad experience with Gingerbread on draft at Postbellum.

Rating = 5.5, up from 5, based on the 5-year old bottle.

(201911) Hardywood Gingerbread Stout is a BIG Milk Stout. It contains vanilla, cinnamon and local ginger and honey.  The taste varies from year to year. I described my first glass years ago as like drinking chocolate gingerbread cake. Last year's version was a disappointment. Hardywood is back on their game this year. Back to being chocolate gingerbread cake with a titch of cinnamon sauce on top. It is a beer you want to drink slowly and best one beer per evening.

Rating = 5 glasses

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