Brewer: : Old Dominion
Style: English Barleywine
Tasting notes: (10) A two-year-old bottle. Lemony w/ hop bite when cold. An old ale as it warms? Easy drinking and pleasant but lacks punch and complexity. Downgraded from recommended w/out reservation. (9) A 1.5 -year old bottle. Malty with hint of pollen in the background. Finish is deep and sour. (8) An interesting mix of flavors: honey, sherry, floral hops, petals, pollen, bitter hops, and alcohol. (7) Sweet malt w/ a hint of VA honey. Less hops than an IPA. Easy drinking and pleasant. (6) A year-old bottle. Easy drinking w/ relatively subdued flavor, sort of a cross between an Old Ale and a Pale Ale on steroids. Little nose, Some musty, spicy hops, a hint of honey (and clover?). (5) Sweet and pleasant. (4) Dryer than I remembered with more of a bitter deep hop bite. Tastes like an Old Ale. (3) A one-year old bottle with cheesecake. Ages well. Malty with traces of VA honey and with a small bite at end. (2) Malty caramel with touches of honey and sherry. Alcohol and sherry begin to dominate as the beer warms. Not as big as SNBFBW. Would be great with or as dessert. (1) Too cold at first. First sip was like drinking liquid sugar. Very nice as it warms.
Comment: I think that the Old Dominion ceased production of Millenium after Anheuser-Busch acquired 49-51% of the company. The brewer's web site does not list the beer. I bought two six-packs shortly after the acquisition because I feared that AB would adversely affect the quality of the beers offered by the brewer.
Rating: Recommended with qualifications
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