Brewer: Ommegang
Style: Dubbel
Tasting notes: (0906) A bottle from 0809. Ditto and delicious. (0906) Bottle @ Belga Cafe. Complex. Flashes of wheat, chocolate, burgundy, sour and funk. Great w/ venison. (0805) Split 750 w/ Oleg. Delightful, complex taste. A flash of brown sugar followed by a dry, sour bite with hints of funk and Burgundy wine. Upgraded from 4 glasses. (0610): 12 oz. at Avalon. Complex taste. Cinnamon? Burgundy wine? Well crafted but I tired of it at end. (I was being rushed.) (????) Had one bottle long before writing this review. My memory my be off but my recollection is that I thought it was quite tasty. However, I was not inspired to buy another. Perhaps Hennepin eclipsed it.
Comments: (0802): BeerAdvocate changed style from Belgian Strong Dark Ale. I think that dubbel is correct.
Rating: 6 glasses
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