Thursday, January 1, 2009

Stone Double Bastard

Beer: Double Bastard

Brewer: Stone

Style: Strong Ale

Tasting notes and comments: (3) Massive nutty sweet malt balanced w/ bitter hops, similar to a good double IPA. (2) A blast of sweet malt with a tiche of nutty flavor is followed by a bitter hop bite that lingers. The sweet mutes the bitter and the bitter mutes the bite. The rough flavor I find unappealing in Arrogant Bastard is faint and way in the background. (1) Predominate flavors are sweetness (malt + alcohol), nuttiness, and apricot (?) up front followed by massive, lingering, bitter, piney hops. The beer gets smoother and smoother as it warms. It goes well with food for such a big beer. I would describe it as Triple IPA or a hoppy English Barleywine.

Dates on which reviewers at rated it as one of the top 100 beers on the planet: 29 December 2005, 10 March 2007, 29 December 2008, and 1 January 2009.

Recommendation: Highly recommended. This is a wonderful "big" beer.

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